
I heard through the grapevine about a very unique and authentic Italian chain: Terroni. We visited the Financial District's location on Adelaide st.

The menu does in fact remind me of dining in Italy (they actually note on the menu that they will not modify your order), and the ingredients were superb. Our server was wonderful and recommended a very nice red wine. Being so reminded of Europe, I was enticed to order two courses, and my easy going auntie agreed. (It didn't help that I just couldn't decide.)For the primi piatti, Chela had the penne with spicy sausage, and I had gnocchi in a tomato sauce. We went with pizze for the second course (instead of secondi), and I had buffalo mozzarella, spinach and prosciutto toppings, and Chela had a spicy sausage and spinach pizza.

We were far too full for any desserts afterwards! The food was fantastic and fresh, the service was wonderful as well, and the prices were extremely reasonable. This chain must be very popular because it was positively packed by 6pm, with a line up out the door for a wait, on a Monday evening no less! However, I do find it curious that this chain is so desperately popular... I rather question the decor.

The atmosphere was unique; packed, busy, noisy and friendly. A surprising number of families with small children were out, which is typically unseen at an Italian restaurant, but it added to its authentic European feel. It was a really nice change of pace. The decor was unusual; the tables were about 4 inches apart from each other, and the architecture was a patterned combination of contemporary, romantic, gothic, pop art and renovations. On one wall was a majestic stone fireplace (a table of a soccer team of eight-year-olds in front of it), the adjacent wall had tacky signs you'd see at a dive, and a tattered curtain draping over the entrance to the kitchen and covering gaping holes in the wall, and there was an exquisite, luxurious, contemporary, dark wood (possibly mahogany?) bar at the entrance. It sounds peculiar, but it wasn't bad at all. If you head over there knowing what to expect, you can really appreciate this unique atmosphere, and allow the vibe to take you all the way to Italy. But you'll know better than to go there for a secluded, romantic anniversary dinner.